A blog is like a public diary. It can contain funny, or entertaining subjects or just your thoughts.
IMPORTANT: You are responsible for the moderation of your blog comments and you can allow them or not!
Comments that violate applicable law or our community rules must be deleted by you - should these types of comments still be seen in your blog, you can also be warned or even banned or you may be deprived of your writing and / or commentary rights!
Overview of our blog rules:
- no self-promotion
- no events
- no repeated entries
- no insults, defamation ...
- no contact data or names (own or of others)
- no Kaufmich bashing in any form
- no racial statements or political statements (exception: Prostitute Protection Act)
- Quotes (not long poems) are okay, but must be stated as such (source!)
- it may of course be sexy and erotic - but free from FSK-18 content