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Rise-Up - what is it, and how can I use it for myself?

Rise-Up offers our Plus members the opportunity to greatly increase their visibility in the search results and thus the attention on their own profile.

Every 30 days you receive a Rise-Up from us as a gift and can catapult yourself to the top position in the search results of your city.

For only 10 KM$ as an escort and 5 KM$ as a client you can also start additional Rise-Up's at any time and give your profile more attention even before the 30-day timer is reset.

For escorts only:

The 20 top-ranked escort profiles are displayed separately at the top of the main page and can also be visited directly from there. Clients are shown the TOP 20 escorts within a radius of 75 km. Depending on the search radius set, the TOP 20 escorts can also appear in the customer's search results.
A small displayed text above the Rise-Up provides information about the current position of the own profile in the corresponding region and about the level of visibility.

Only for clients:

Through Rise-Up, client profiles are positioned at the top of the search results.

A small displayed text above the 20 top-ranked escort profiles provides information about the current position of the own profile in the corresponding region and the level of visibility.

You can find out more about purchasing and using your KM$ here.

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