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Who can see my data?

Everything that you make available to other users in the community, with or on your profile, or send in messages, can be copied, saved and reproduced in other forums by users who have access to it.

Such actions (e.g. copying images or profile text) are not permitted by us and as soon as you notice such an offense, you should report the profile in question to us. However, it is not always possible for us to know who had which status text in their profile first - therefore we also ask for communication among each other in such cases.

Visibility of the different profiles:

  • User profiles are generally only accessible to logged in members    
  • Escort profiles are also possible to visit if the visitor is not logged in or registered, unless public visibility is disabled in the settings    
  • Escorts can temporarily block access to their profile in the profile settings under the menu item notifications & privacy if necessary (e.g. for vacations, a visit from grandma or to revise the profile).  
  • To protect escort profiles from unauthorized copying of data, contact details as well as some profile details are only made available to logged-in members and all pictures are watermarked.
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