How users should behave on Kaufmich is listed in our community rules.
Violations of our rules can lead to a ban of your profile for a certain or indefinite period of time.
Here is a list of the most common reasons for bans, the duration of bans and what you can do if your profile is affected:
- Multiple profiles
- All profiles will remain banned until you send a mail to the support team with the name of the profile you want to keep and the ones you want to delete.
- Fake picture
- Your profile will remain banned until you have successfully participated in the verification (authenticity check).
- Insult
- If you behave insultingly towards other community members, you will receive a warning. With the 3rd warning, your profile will automatically be banned for 3 days. If there is no noticeable change in your behaviour after 3 ban cycles, your profile will be banned permanently.
- Spamming
- If we find out that you are using Kaufmich exclusively to send mass messages or mass third-party advertising, your profile will be and will remain banned.
- Abuse of date reviews
- Depending on the review, it will be deleted, and the author will be warned or banned.
- AO (without protection)
- Offer of and demand for unprotected intercourse of any kind will result in a warning. Profiles with a corresponding profile text will be hidden and only unhidden again after the text has been changed.
- Pregnancy
- First of all: "congratulations"! However, on Kaufmich it is not allowed to have an active profile while you are pregnant. Therefore, profiles of pregnant women will be banned for the duration of the pregnancy. Likewise, it is not allowed to search for pregnant ladies on Kaufmich.
- Primary-Service
- Your set Primary-service does not represent the service you actually provide.