Be informed about your date requests at any time with our web browser notifications - even if you are currently in a different tab.
This is how it works:
By confirming the pop-up, you authorize to show you notifications about date requests via your web browser.
As soon as the authorization has been granted with 'OK, got it', the browser used will ask whether the notifications should be displayed.
If you allow this, the browser will in future display all date requests directly as notifications - even if you are in the same browser but on a different website at the time.
If you have declined the authorization, you can assign it again at any time via Settings / My settings / Notifications & ads / Browser notifications - in your profile.
ATTENTION - If an iOS device is used, must also be added to the home screen and used as a separate web app in order to receive notifications in the web browser.
To do this, proceed as follows:
While viewing the website, tap
in the menu bar.
Scroll down the list of options, then tap Add to Home Screen.
If you don’t see Add to Home Screen, you can add it. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, tap Edit Actions, then tap
Add to Home Screen.
The icon appears only on the device where you add it.
Reiner Support