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How can I take a screenshot?

You have found an error on our site and want to provide us with proof? Then a so-called screenshot is always helpful.

A screenshot takes a snapshot of your screen - no matter if you are online with your PC, your tablet or your smartphone.

For this purpose, simple key combinations are enough, depending on your operating system, and a current recording of your screen (screen) is already stored on your device.

Please note: For error analysis, it is helpful if the address bar of your browser is also visible on the screenshot.


Print key: Image of the whole screen and saving to the clipboard

Print key + Alt: Image of the active window and save to the clipboard.


cmd (apple key) + shift + 3: image of the whole screen

cmd (apple key) + shift + 4: Image of a freely selectable, rectangular part of the screen by dragging a section with the mouse after pressing the keys.

iOs (iPhone & iPad)

Power Button (On/Off) + Home Button (round button at the bottom): Screenshot is saved under "Captures".


Here it depends on the manufacturer and it varies between the following options:

Quiet Button + Power Button

Power Button + Home Button

Once you have taken your screenshot, you can attach it to your support request.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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